Ms. Hinshaw's English

Expectations & Procedures

Welcome to Ms. Hinshaw’s English class!  This is your junior year and arguably the most important year of your academic career to date.  Based on this year, you will make very important decisions regarding your future college and profession.  You must now take responsibility for your actions as an adult.  Therefore, the following rules and procedures apply while in this classroom:


1.     Absolutely no disrespect.  I will not tolerate comments, actions, facial expressions, or sounds that indicate disrespect.  These include:

a.     Slouching, sleeping, putting your head down, closing your eyes, or otherwise communicating that my class “isn’t worth your time.”

b.     Talking while another person has the floor.  I have the floor during lecture, and whoever raised his/her hand and was called upon has the floor during discussion.

c.      Any and all comments insulting one’s race, religion, physical appearance, intelligence, fashion, gender, sexual orientation, etc.  This includes people not present in the room.

d.     Throwing/leaving garbage on the floor.  This behavior insinuates that I should pick up after you (i.e. my time is less important than yours).  I keep my workspace organized and litter-free.  I expect you to do the same.

e.     Clicking your tongue when asked to do something.  I’ll give an example of this one in class—it’s a personal pet peeve of mine.

f. Any actions that could be construed as violent and/or dangerous.  I do not care if it is "just playin'."  

g.      Disrespecting fellow students by doing any of the above.

You may be removed from class for any of the above actions.

Please be aware: I am accountable for these rules of respect as well.  If you ever feel that I have disrespected you in any way, please approach me about it.  Please do not yell in front of the class; you will not receive a favorable response.


2.     Do your work, and turn it in on time.  While this seems simple, it has been the biggest challenge for students in the past.  If you do all of your work (without cheating and with effort), you will pass my class.  Doing your work communicates that you respect my lessons.  I will reciprocate by returning your work in a timely manner with a clear grade and comments to help you improve.

a.     Late work will be accepted the week of for (at best) C credit.  Late work will be accepted until the week before the quarter ends for (at best) ½ credit.

b.     Major writing assignments are not optional.  If you choose not to do them, you will fail my course.

c.      If you are absent or tardy, it is your responsibility to do your work.  Homework will be posted on the class website.  There will be extra copies in the “Absent” folders for the week.  An absence is not an excuse for missing work.

3.     Follow Longwood’s behavior regulations.  I will hold you accountable for tardies, absences, dress code violations, etc.  Please do not argue with me about school-wide policies. 

4.     Other “small” rules:

a.     No eating in my classroom.  Please finish all food before entering the room. 

b.     No cell phones (even to check the time).  If I see it, hear it, or smell it, I confiscate it.

c.      No iPods, Mp3 players, or other personal music devices.

d.     No taking off shoes during class.

e.      No pulling arms into sleeves. 

f.      No combing hair during class.

g.     No putting on makeup during class.

h.     No using scented lotions or perfumes during class (seriously, I will sneeze all over and it’s gross).

i.      No touching anything on my desk, ever.


Classroom Procedures
I expect you to follow a basic structure for every class.  These procedures will help you stay organized through the year, achieve a higher grade in my class, and spend less time on homework (woo-hoo!).

1.     Come prepared to learn.  This means bringing: a pen (black or blue) or pencil; your English notebook & binder; a highlighter; your homework; your book(s). 

a.     There is a student center located on the back wall.  You may borrow items before class and return them before leaving. 

b.     Please see me after class if you cannot afford a binder.  You must keep all homework in a binder, as you will be held accountable for all work during a quarter.

c.      Do not ever interrupt class to ask for materials.  You should have all items at your desk before the bell rings.

2.     I will post an Agenda for each class.  Please read it as you enter the classroom.  You may copy the homework assignment into your planner. 

3.     I will also post or hand out a Do Now.  This is to be completed within the first 5 minutes of the class.  I will use a timer.  When it rings, I will choose one person to collect the Do Nows and put them in the Homework Bin.

4.     I will then collect the homework from the previous night and put it in the Homework Bin.  Any homework handed in after this point will be considered Late.  It goes in the Late Bin.

5.     Most classes will include a 15-20 minute lecture (by me), followed by a 20 minute activity and/or lab time.  You are expected to take notes during lecture and ask any questions you may have.  You are expected to work during the activity. 

6.     If you must use the restroom during lecture, quietly raise your hand with fingers crossed.  I will let you know that you may use the pass (located at the door) and go for 5 minutes.  Only one person at a time may leave the room for any reason.

7.     Use an appropriate voice for every circumstance in the classroom.  When speaking in small groups, you do not need to yell.  When speaking in front of the class, you do not need to whisper.  Furthermore, I will not respond to slang or deliberate mumbling. 



Okay!  I know that these lists seem long and strict.  However, if we can all stick to the basic rules of respect and hard work, we will have a fun and productive year!